Benefits for start-ups


Technological research and creation of innovative solutions.

Proof of concept

Analysis of the technological feasibility and alignment to the business goals.


Technological support of your proprietary solutions that are converted into USPs on the constantly evolving market.


Starting from the idea to the deployment, integration and intense usage.

Product development

Development and support at every stage of the product lifecycle.

Search for investors

How do investors think and how to find them easier?

Unsinkable MVP

Strategies to walk through further stages of the product without sinking the investments.


Making IT controllable without the necessity to obtain IT knowledge


Audit and pivot of the current IT-solutions. Costs-optimization.

Real AI

Not based on neural networks.

IT and psychology

Interdisciplinary approach that ensures product success.

Demystifying IT ;)

Explaining everything around IT in normal human language.


Supporting your CTO. Applied solutions that stay in the company without organizational changes.
Interested in cooperation?

Phone: +49 221 169 314 59

Topics and questions that start-ups mostly ask us:

How to save costs while creating an MVP?

The topic of development budgets in the early stages is often a matter of survival for a startup.

Founders expect developers to provide them with the ability to constantly change or even pivot their IT product quickly.

Speed at the expense of project quality, however, leads to significant additional costs due to numerous revisions and can even bring projects to a complete standstill and failure.

Modern strategies in IT development involve analytical research before the coding stage begins. Conceptualizing an IT product before developing it may not seem obvious, but it is not just another trendy gimmick – it has far-reaching technological- and business-consequences.

Conceptualizing an IT product not only makes the development and changes of the product manageable from a business perspective, but also reduces development budgets many times over.

We are at the "family and friends" stage, and the team is working on the idea without payment. What requirements will an investor have regarding IT, software, and the team?

At early stages, investors typically focus on several key aspects:

 - Team.
 - Software.
 - Technical requirements.
 - Business model.
 - Market.
 - Traction.
 - Due diligence process.

Investors usually seek equity in exchange for funding, so be ready to negotiate deal terms and ownership stakes.

How can we keep it bootstrapped, using only our own resources, as long as possible, without an investor?

A good strategy would be to create an MVP based on a well-thought-out concept. Then the MVP can be used for business purposes, starting with minimal functionality. Not to mention that development budgets are significantly reduced and better controlled in this case.

For self-financing, it is obviously useful to start earning money from the product with the very first release.

Other methods include outsourcing, partnerships, resource sharing, user focus, and crowdfunding.

A disadvantage of this gradual business growth approach is the limited availability of innovative solutions and the high probability that competitors could use your attractiveness research and easily replicate your long efforts quickly with the help of investors.

How much does an Idea for a start-up cost in shares?
How are the shares being split in a start-up? Are there splits that are toxic for an investor?
Should we cut solutions that could lead to problems with regulators at the very start? Or should we solve them as soon as they appear, without limiting the creativity of the team?
Our developers have previously chosen certain technologies, but we are currently facing limitations. How can we exchange / update the technologies, without sinking previous investments?
We’ve been working hard, made dozens of iterations and have now created a genius solution. However, as soon as we publish it - it can be easily repeated. How do we protect ourselves?
Do we have to repeat the best-practices of our predecessors, or should we be innovative in all aspects?
How do we understand what is already a market best-practice and what is not?
What is currently innovative in the market? Does the standard approach for creation of the innovation via application of technologies in a trend and applying tech-revolution in certain subject areas still work?
How do we make use of the “Strong” AI? Do we really have to understand the processes in the mind of the user, really deep? Which experts do we need for that?
What will happen with all these new AI / LLM / GPT start-ups?
How do we get a lot of organic users?
Which is more effective: Creating product ideas without limits or thinking about their implementability from the very start, limiting probable innovation?
Can we obtain governmental funding for an MVP? Or do the governmental funding officers require a completely working product with its infrastructure and paying customers?
While creating the MVP, should we also consider the possibility of a dramatic amount increase in user accounts, monetization partners acquisition and marketing strategies out of the business plan? Or is the MVP only for the evolution of the idea and will anyway be trashed?
What is a best-practice in the market: Should the developers, marketing-experts, lawyers and other experts be available in a start-up from the very start? Or should we find them as soon as we need them? Or maybe a mixed model?
We are not against us being bought by Unicorns / Capricorns or whatever they are called. How do we make sure they simply don’t repeat our solution?
We’ve got a CTO in our team. He makes sure that the development is aligned with the business goals. Which methods are effective to quickly understand if there are deviations or some of the resources are not used in the most optimal way?
Which risks are linked with an IT-product besides those obvious ones, such as developers leaving, inability to make further changes to the product, changes in external APIs, services, libraries, updates in the online infrastructure?
Corporate investments: should we consider the needs of the potential market partners, or will they come on their own because we are already cool enough?
How different are the requirements of the investors from the corporate-sector?
How to find a balance between the urge to implement a genius initial idea as soon as possible or to satisfy all the needs and requirements of the users?
How to find a balance between the temptation to implement a marvelous technical feature / new cool and complex functionality or to pay proper attention to the user feedback?
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Phone: +49 221 169 314 59

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